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Wishek Livestock

       Monday January 20th
  weigh ups starting at 10:oo, followed by feeders at noon

**40 blk/red strs, weighing 775-825, s/f shots, NI, weaned
**20 blk hfrs, weighing, 775-825, s/f shots, NI, weaned, replacement quality
**10 red hfrs, weighing, 775-825, s/f shots, NI, weaned, replacement quality
**5 blk hfrs, weighing 675-725, s/f shots, NI, weaned.
**12 blk/red strs, weighing 950-1100, shot program
**55 blk/red strs/hfrs, weighing 350-550, s/f shots, NI 
**30 Blk Strs, weighing 575-625, s/f shots, NI, weaned
**5 red strs, weighing 575-625, s/f shots, NI, weaned.

**100+ weigh up cow and bulls


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